Tag Archives: Mercado Roma
Domingo Divertido en CDMX Posted by sasha on Sep 6, 2017

Este es un domingo divertido en Ciudad de México (This is a Sunday Funday in Mexico City). Enjoy a great day in the Mexican capital starting with the weekly Muévete en Bici (Move by Bike) event. Get lunch at the trendy Mercado Roma, stroll through local parks, and wind down the evening with a bit of…
Streets, Beats & Eats – Mexico City Posted by sasha on Apr 26, 2017

Mexico City is a fascinating place to explore. It’s full of museums, parks, churches, markets, and so much more. You could spend a lifetime here and not see it all. Unfortunately, most of us have to settle for a short visit. There’s a lot you can do there, even in just a day! Join us…