Spanish Language Blog

Tag Archives: riddles

¡Adivina adivinanza! 10 amusing Spanish Riddles Posted by on May 20, 2019

Apart from exercising your brain and foster your critical thinking, riddles can help you learn new vocabulary and retain it longer in your mind. They also make you think in Spanish, which is key in the language acquisition process. In my previous post, you learned very common sayings to impart wisdom everywhere. Now, I bring…

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Quiz – ¿Cuántas personas hay? – Respuesta Posted by on Apr 12, 2011

La explicación es la del joven adinerado y mujeriego que “perdía” una muchacha humilde y no volvía a preocuparse por lo que hubiera podido acaecer al fruto de sus amores. Muchos años más tarde conocía a una joven, con la que se casaba, sin saber que era su propia hija, y con la que tenía…

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Quiz – ¿Cuántas personas hay? Posted by on Apr 11, 2011

Lo siguiente estaba escrito en un epitafio de una tumba del cementerio de Alencourt, en las cercanías de París. ¿Sabrías decir cuántas personas están enterradas allí? Aquí yace el hijo; aquí yace la madre; aquí yace la hija; aquí yace el padre; aquí yace la hermana; aquí yace el hermano; aquí yacen la esposa y…

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¡Adivina adivinanza, otra vez! Posted by on Mar 3, 2011

Both children and grown ups usually enjoy riddles when they are learning a language. I love them myself, as I told you once. It is also a good way of getting a brain workout, and this way we kill two birds with one stone. So in today’s post I’ll give you a few, not too…

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Adivina, adivinanza (Spanish riddles) Posted by on Aug 12, 2010

We are going to have some brain-teasers today.  These riddles are ingenuity games, where we have to answer some questions or guess some words from the given definitions. Puns and tricky sentences are commonly used in them. Riddles both entertain and stimulate the intellect, being a good tool to help children’s learning. Here in Spain…

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