Tag Archives: songs
The Tale of ‘La Llorona’ Posted by Karoly Molina on Oct 10, 2019

One of the most famous tale or leyenda in Mexico is that of the Llorona or the weeping woman. No childhood in Mexico is complete without your mother having used the Llorona to scare you into doing something. ¡Si no te portas bien, vendrá la Llorona a llevarte muy lejos! ¡Si sigues llorando, vendrá la llorona por ti!…
Falling in Love in Spanish Posted by Karoly Molina on Feb 14, 2019

Happy Valentine’s Day or Felíz Dia del Amor y la Amistad! While Valentine’s Day is not traditionally celebrated in most Spanish speaking countries, its influence has certainly reached many. Spanish is also considered to be a very romantic language and in this post, I want to explore how you can incorporate some Spanish while you…