Tag Archives: Spanish word for need
Spanish Power Verbs – Querer Posted by sasha on Nov 15, 2017

In our first post about Spanish power verbs, we learned how to use necesitar (to need). Since we’ve learned how to express needs, we might as well move on to learn how to express wants. In this post, we’ll look at the Spanish power verb querer (to want). Conjugation in Simple Present Once again, we’re…
Spanish Power Verbs – Necesitar Posted by sasha on Sep 20, 2017

When you’re a beginner at any language, you want to learn some useful words and grammatical structures that can help you get speaking. In a new series here, we’ll be looking at some power verbs in Spanish. First up, we’ll practice using the verb necesitar (to need). Whether you’re in Spain, Argentina, or Mexico, being…