Tag Archives: survival Spanish
Survival Spanish for Traveling Posted by sasha on Mar 13, 2019

In my travels around Latin America, I am often told “¡Hablas muy bien español!” (You speak Spanish very well). To be completely honest with you, though, mi español no es muy bueno (my Spanish isn’t very good). I just love traveling, learning about different cultures, and meeting people. This has led me to achieve a…
Survival Phrases in Spanish Posted by sasha on Oct 11, 2017

We’ve all been there before – traveling to a new country and having absolutely no idea how to communicate with people. While it’s true that you’ll find English speakers in countries like Spain, Argentina, and Mexico, it’s not as prevalent as you may think. A much better idea is to learn some survival phrases in…
Common Greetings in Spanish Posted by sasha on Sep 26, 2017

If you’re new to Spanish, one of the first things you’ll want to do is learn some common greetings. Even if you can’t speak much of the language, being able to greet people goes a long way. Before your trip to Mexico, Colombia, or Spain, why not try and learn some common Spanish greetings? Follow…