Swedish Language Blog

Archive for August, 2008

When Your Tooth Hurts Posted by on Aug 8, 2008

Today is our Queen’s name day (Silvia) and also the first day of the Olympic Games, but I’m not really that fond of either one. The Queen has always struck me as creepily Stepfordish. I mean, is that woman even real or is she just a life-size paper cut-out? You know, like those of Star…

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Sami Posted by on Aug 6, 2008

I said last time that I would tell you about the Sami. In fact, I’ve been thinking about a Sami-themed post for quite a while now, or at least every time I listen to Transjoik. Though Transjoik is technically a Norwegian band, we’ll let them in here on an honorary membership. Sami, the people formerly…

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World Class Swedish Cuisine Posted by on Aug 3, 2008

Last week when I read about the Swedish agriculture minister Eskil Erlandsson‘s statement that he hopes to establish Sweden as haute cuisine leader of the world, I naturally assumed it was a joke. Or maybe that the venerable government official had one too many shots of Absolut. Because c’mon now, “Sweden” and “world-class” cuisine in…

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