Archive by Author
Hej då! Posted by jennie on Jun 26, 2012
Dear fellow Sweden lovers and blog readers, the time has come for me to say goodbye to our beloved Swedish blog. After almost three fantastic years, I will attempt motherhood and everything that might bring… With only days to go until due date and possibly the worst June I have ever experienced weather-wise here in…
Sweden in the Euro 2012 Posted by jennie on Jun 12, 2012
I got this clear sensation of déjà vu yesterday evening. In fact, I’ve had this experience…well… quite a few times before. The surprise, the disappointment… Dear blog readers, the Swedish national football team has entered a Euro 2012 and it’s not looking great. The story: Well, it’s pretty much the same story every time. The…
Du gamla du fria – Sweden’s national anthem Posted by jennie on Jun 5, 2012
So – are you all geared up for a big Swedish celebration tomorrow? Sweden is preparing for the national day (Marcus gave us all the details here!) and apart from a day off work for everyone, there will be celebrations held all over the county – and outside! Flags will be waved, speeches will be…
The christening of Sweden’s new Crown Princess Posted by jennie on May 22, 2012

As you all might now, this February saw the arrival of Sweden’s new Crown Princess, Estelle Silvia Ewa Mary. This afternoon, the three month old celebrity baby will be christened in a formal ceremony at the Royal Chapel in the Royal Palace in Stockholm. The ceremony will be conducted by Archbishop Anders Wejryd, who also…
Let’s talk about Sweden Posted by jennie on May 7, 2012
Are you – like me – one of those people who get overly excited when Sweden or something Swedish is mentioned in movies or in TV-programmes? Well, then you must make sure to take a look at the collection of Sweden on the screen, “Let’s talk about Sweden”. It’s put together by the film fanatic…
@Sweden – a new look at Sweden Posted by jennie on Apr 2, 2012
As the first country in the world, Sweden hands over the country’s official Twitter account to its citizens – and this ladies and gentlemen, is a real gem. If you are on Twitter, you must make sure to follow @Sweden – a new way of portraying our beloved country. And by the way, I’m only…
10 Swedish words you won’t find in English Posted by jennie on Mar 27, 2012

Since I am stuck in bed with a nasty bug today, I will ruthlessly steal this brilliant list from the always equally brilliant page The Local. 10 Swedish words that you won’t find in English (click here for the full story). I have written about this topic before, missing simple words like bakfylleångest (hangover anxiety)…