Beskriv hur situationen känns Posted by Katja on Jul 13, 2012 in Swedish Language
As in the previous post this one will be about expressing feelings as well. But not how you are feeling but how the situation you are in feels. For example were you to say that something feels melancholy you would say Det känns vemodigt. The det känns part can be followed by a word describing the situation. You can also say Det är vemodigt.
So, Det känns bra is “It feels good” and Det är bra is “It is good”. Starting to get the hang of it?
Lets try it again.
Det känns sorgligt and Det är sorgligt. It isn’t that hard actually but you would be amazed at the difference it might make when you want to comment on something but not have people misunderstand thinking that you are sad.
Now, if you use the same describing word in a slightly different way you can be sympathetic, happy for somebody or share somebody’s worries in a sort of way by saying Vad sorligt! Sounds like Va sorgligt. Lets try again. Vad roligt! Vad skönt! These are the sort of comments you can easily practice either by yourself but I can almost guarantee it will be more fun with somebody else. Good luck!!
Svenska | English |
vemodigt | melancholy |
sorgligt | sad |
läskigt | scary |
tråkigt | boring |
roligt | fun |
spännande | exciting |
utmanande | challenging |
chockerande | shocking |
uppretande | irritating |
skratteretande | laughable |
interessant | interesting |
givande | rewarding |
skönt | relieving, nice |
bra | good |

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Tack för artikeln finner honom mycket välskriven och informativ. Kommer förmodligen se mer gånger nu på bloggen över. Jag hoppas att jag kommer att fortsätta att hitta en så bra inlägg.