Swedish Language Blog

Swedish with Steve, Episode 20: Review Posted by on Jun 11, 2011 in Uncategorized

The time has come for a summary of all the main points of my previous videos. I hope this serves as a good review for all of you ambitious Swedish learners!

Hope you’ve all enjoyed my series. Thanks for all your help!

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About the Author: Stephen Maconi

Stephen Maconi has been writing for the Transparent Swedish Blog since 2010. Wielding a Bachelor's Degree in Swedish and Nordic Linguistics from Uppsala University in Sweden, Stephen is an expert on Swedish language and culture.


  1. Eric Swanson:

    Thanks for all of your hard work, Steve. You have been more helpful to more people than you realize now.

  2. Ella:

    Thanks for your videos. I enjoy them very much. I’m a bit sad that you’ve finished doing this stuff for the Swedish learners…
    All the best for you, take care! Ella from Netherland

  3. abdulrahman:

    it is really a wonderful program to learn swedish ,i hope they contiue and give us more lessons,thanks for them.

  4. sue nordin:

    Steve–Thanks so much! This was one of the most helpful series on Swedish language I have seen. The short segments and concurrent use of speaking and explanation was so helpful. Congratulations on your high school graduation and good luck in the coming year in Sweden.

  5. Steven Muir:

    Great videos, hope you return with a new series soon!

  6. Elena:

    Thank you Steve! Your lessons have been fun and very useful, I’ve learnt a lot from you! You are a very talented teacher (I tell you with 13 years of language teaching and teachers training experience myself, and a lifetime of language learning!). Thanks for sharing your talent. Good luck with moving to Sweden! Lycka till!!!

  7. Sara:

    Fantastic, clear and so much fun – perfect revision for me to remember my Swedish. Tackåtackåtack! 🙂