Tag Archives: café culture
Six Phrases for the Swedish Café Posted by Marcus Cederström on Apr 30, 2015
Last week we learned how to navigate our way through the ordering process at a café in Sweden. Hopefully, you’ve had a chance to practice. If not, take a look back at Ordering at a Café in Swedish. If you’ve already got that down, let’s take a look at a few extra phrases that will…
Ordering at a Café in Swedish Posted by Marcus Cederström on Apr 24, 2015
Anyone who has ever worked to learn another language knows the situation. You’re in a new country, let’s say, hypothetically, Sweden. You’re ready to partake in the Swedish fika tradition. You’re excited to test out your Swedish. But before heading in to the café, you want to make sure you’ve got it all right. So…
Café culture in Sweden Posted by Katja on May 14, 2012

Most of you dedicated Swedish blog readers will probably have read about or heard of the Swedish “fika”. Swedes love to have their 3 o’clock fika-time or go out to cafés and such. But still, the culture of sitting in cafés is really very different from a lot of other countries in Europe. It is…