Tag Archives: Election 2010
Sweden takes a stand for racial tolerance Posted by jennie on Sep 21, 2010

Before we move on with crayfish parties, eating manners, surströmming (awfully smelling fermented fish in a tin can) and other non-political stuff, let’s just quickly focus on what’s happening in post-election Sweden at the moment. As we all know by now, the right wing Sweden Democrats secured 5.7 percent of the vote and 20 seats in the parliment…
Swedish Election Results Posted by Marcus Cederström on Sep 20, 2010
I don’t pretend to be a political scientist. There are so many things about politics I can’t begin to understand. Both Swedish and American. It doesn’t stop me from being interested in the political workings of both countries, or from having an opinion though. It’s why I stayed up until five in the morning watching…
Valstugor – a Swedish phenomenon? Posted by jennie on Sep 7, 2010

It’s only two weeks left until Election Day (Sept 19) in Sweden the final race to win the voters have just begun. Every day is filled with broadcasted debates, talk shows, live chats, interviews…well, Sweden is pretty much nothing but politics at the moment. I was back home this weekend, a friend got married and in between ceremonies…