Tag Archives: Ica
Christmas in preparation Posted by Katja on Nov 22, 2011

Christmas means different things to different people, I’m sure that that is a commonly agreed on fact by now. For a lot of people christmas has no longer anything to do with the birth of Jesus, it can be summed up with presents, Santa, snow and holidays. In Sweden food and family are huge contributing…
Opening hours Posted by Katja on Sep 29, 2011
The chances that you will be battling people right after work for groceries are quite high in Sweden. Probably less so now then a couple of years ago when almost all shops closed at 5 PM, but I think you would still be hard-pressed to find a shops that is open after 9pm on a…
The End of Apoteket (well, almost) Posted by Transparent Language on Aug 24, 2009

If all goes well, very soon you’ll be able to buy over the counter and prescription medications at your local ICA supermarket! Yay! I’d say it’s about time! You see, until July 1st of this year, Sweden was one of the very few countries left in the world with a state-controlled pharmacy monopoly. That has…
Varor Du Brukar Köpa? Posted by Transparent Language on Oct 16, 2008

I’ve been down with flu for quite some time now, and needless to say, I got bored. So bored in fact, that I actually started to read the stuff that the Ica supermarket chain sends us in the mail. Yeah, I was THAT bored. But I’m glad I read it, because now I’m thinking whether…