Tag Archives: IKEA
IKEA Furniture – Cultural Differences? Posted by Marcus Cederström on Jul 11, 2012
For a lot of people, the first thing that pops into their heads when they hear “Sweden” is IKEA. And who can blame them? The blue and yellow everything. The Swedish product names (check out below for the method behind the madness to their naming system borrowed shamelessly from the IKEA Wikipedia page). The Swedish…
IKEA gets sued by 5-year old girl’s family for discrimination? Posted by Katja on Feb 2, 2012

In Sweden it isn’t very common that people go round suing each other. But Monday this week the incident about the girl with a chromosome disorder who wasn’t let into the ball room due to “safety reasons” according to (Malmö’s) IKEA manager, was brought up again. The 5-year old girl was not allowed into the…
“This” and “these” Posted by Katja on Jan 19, 2012
In Sweden there are lots of different dialects, and of course people use different words for the same thing. Something as simple as “this” you’ll find lots of variations of and for someone learning Swedish that can be a bit confusing. Especially if the word everybody is using in some areas is grammatically incorrect, and…
Swedes Abroad Mourn… Posted by Marcus Cederström on Oct 18, 2011
It’s been rumored for months now. Hushed whispers in the Swedish-American community. Disgust. Fear. Sadness. It’s been a time of uncertainty. Swedes around the world have been stocking up on the essentials. And by Swedes everywhere I mean my dad. And by essentials I mean Kalles Kaviar. IKEA has decided to discontinue their sale of…
How to buy Swedish food abroad Posted by jennie on Sep 1, 2011

As a Swede living abroad, the monthly trip to IKEA is big treat. Not so much for the flat packs and the tea candles, but more so for the mouth watering food department. Lingonberry jam, pickled herring, knäckebröd, Daim cake… Well, you probably all know what it’s like. Or, what it WAS like, I should…
Top 15 Swedish things Posted by Katja on Nov 2, 2010
Hey there all of you, In this post I will post all of the things you thought were Swedish. Hopefully our Swedish blog team can write posts about some of the different things as well. Then I have extracted 15 of all the things and hopefully they will be the most representative of them all…
You Know You’re From Sweden When… (part 1) Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 6, 2009
Because it is Sveriges nationaldag (Swedish National Day) today, let’s celebrate it with a light-hearted look at “swedishness” at its finest. This installment is about one Swedish institution we all love and cherish – IKEA. So, you know you’re from Sweden when… 1. You trust IKEA more than your government. 2. IKEA is your home…