Tag Archives: Snow
An all time favorite conversation starter :) Posted by Katja on Dec 11, 2011
Generally speaking, a good conversation starter is the weather. And so it can be good to have some good phrases up you sleeve. “Visst är det fint väder idag?” Isn’t it nice weather today? “Fint” is the adjective, but can be substituted for a number of other words as well, depending on what you want…
Christmas in preparation Posted by Katja on Nov 22, 2011

Christmas means different things to different people, I’m sure that that is a commonly agreed on fact by now. For a lot of people christmas has no longer anything to do with the birth of Jesus, it can be summed up with presents, Santa, snow and holidays. In Sweden food and family are huge contributing…
In the land of roofs covered in meters of snow Posted by Katja on Jan 25, 2011

Right now in the north of Sweden houses, sports centers, schools and every other thinkable building are covered in meters and meters of snow. This makes everything look like a winter wonderland, though what you might not think about too closely is when the temperature rises all that wonderful snow turns wet… That causes innumerable…