Tag Archives: Swedish Winter
A really cold Swedish winter – En riktig vargavinter Posted by Gabriel on Jan 26, 2010

I am getting to experience my fifth Swedish winter this year and it is definitely the coldest yet. In Stockholm, snow has been on the ground since before Christmas and we’re supposed to get another snow storm tomorrow. So here’s some wintery vocabulary that you’ll surely need if you are living in Sweden. Wintery Vocab…
Biking in the Dark in Sweden Posted by Marcus Cederström on Dec 17, 2009
December 21st is the shortest day of the year. The winter solstice (vintersolståndet). In Stockholm, the sun is supposed to rise at 8:44 am and set at 2:49 pm. In Umeå, way up north, the sun is supposed to rise at 9:21 am and set at 1:46 pm. I say supposed to because the 21st is still…