Tag Archives: tourism
Hostels in Sweden Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 15, 2009

Yeah, it seems to be the coldest beginning of summer in Sweden in the last 50 years or so! Brrr… The calendar says one thing, but the weather – another. Still, summer is summer, and as you’ve probably noticed (or know very well, if you’re Swedish) Swedes tend to believe the calendar more than the…
Swedish Magazines – Vagabond Posted by Transparent Language on Feb 23, 2009

One of my favorite Swedish magazines is Vagabond. I like to travel and I like to read about travel, be it in Swedish or in English. Vagabond is Sveriges största resemagasin and is written in a clear, easy-to-understand language (after all, it has to appeal to a wide demographic, because all sorts of people like…