Tag Archives: vacation
Society slows down Posted by Katja on May 5, 2011
Everybody is entitled to 5 weeks of paid holiday, and almost everybody wants their holiday during the hot weeks of the summer. During that period of time a lot of shops close, leaving only the big chains open. Healthcare centers are only open during a certain few hours, making people have to go the the…
Summer Plans 2009 – Vacationing in Sweden Posted by Transparent Language on May 7, 2009
It’s (almost) the middle of May already. Time’s fun when you’re having flies, or rather, the other way round. The weather may not be very summery yet, or up North – not even very springy yet, but summer is already on everybody’s mind. Yes, it’s time to plan your summer vacation, if you haven’t done…
Sommarstängt Posted by Transparent Language on Jul 18, 2008

The bus strike ended very quietly last Tuesday night, or Wednesday morning, depending on when you go to bed. Our dull and mundane reality has returned even duller and more mundane, if that’s at all possible. And why is that so? It’s July and that means that everything is closed. You think I’m exaggerating when…