Tag Archives: Visit Sweden
Visiting Sweden Posted by Marcus Cederström on Aug 25, 2012
Sweden is becoming a popular tourist destination and in the last few years has continued to bring in more and more money from tourism. In fact, according to VisitSweden.com (a great website by the way for all kinds of information on planning a trip to Sweden), Sweden now ranks 21st in the world in tourism…
@Sweden – a new look at Sweden Posted by jennie on Apr 2, 2012
As the first country in the world, Sweden hands over the country’s official Twitter account to its citizens – and this ladies and gentlemen, is a real gem. If you are on Twitter, you must make sure to follow @Sweden – a new way of portraying our beloved country. And by the way, I’m only…
Win a trip to Sweden! Posted by jennie on May 10, 2011

Unfortunately it’s not me having a very generous moment. It’s Visit Sweden, have you seen their ongoing competition? If not, make sure to click your ways there a s a p and enter! You can actually win a trip to Sweden – accommodation included – and meet some fellow Sweden-lovers while you are waiting to cash…