Talking about movies in Swedish Posted by Stephen Maconi on Feb 24, 2017 in Swedish Language, Vocabulary
While Sweden does have a fantastic film industry, most of the popular films are blockbusters from Hollywood or equivalent. Since most Swedes speak more-or-less perfect English, it is relatively easy for them to understand films in English. As a result, almost no films are dubbed in Swedish. Instead, Swedes prefer subtitles and often mock the few dubs that have been produced, such as the Swedish dub of Harry Potter och de vises sten – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s (Philosopher’s) Stone. (Hermione is known for having a very snobby Stockholm accent. Not that all Stockholm accents are snobby – just hers!) Also, being unaccustomed to dubs, most Swedes think dubbing makes films feel unnatural.
When you go on your first date with a Swede (or otherwise go to the cinema, an afterwork, a fika, a party, etc.) at a fancy restaurant in central Stockholm, you might want to be able to talk about your favorite films. Lucky for you, here are some useful phrases for a movie conversation compiled in a list for you to learn! Your Swedish date will surely be impressed.
Har du sett Inception? – Have you seen Inception? (as an example)
Jag har inte sett den (än)! – I haven’t seen it yet!
Vad handlar den om? – What is it about?
Vilket år kom den? – What year did it come out?
När såg du den? – When did you see it?
Vad tyckte du (om filmen)? – What did you think (of the film)?
Skulle du titta på den igen? – Would you watch it again?
Jag tyckte den var kul/tråkig/konstig. – I thought it was fun/boring/weird.
Har du någon favoritfilm? – Do you have any favorite film?
Vilka genrer föredrar du? – Which genres do you prefer?
Jag gillar skräck. – I like horror.
Action är också kul! – Action is also fun!
Dramafilmer är inget för mig. – Drama films are not (lit. nothing) for me.
Jag har filmen på dvd/bluray. – I have the film on DVD/bluray.
Skulle du vilja gå på bio med mig någon gång? – Would you like to go to the movies/cinema with me sometime?
Lycka till på dejten – good luck on your date!

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Nice to learn, Thanks for the post