Swedish Language Blog

The Swedish provinces: Svealand Posted by on Jun 23, 2010 in Uncategorized

A few last and final words before we leave the huge royal wedding success behind: My god, wasn’t it absolutely brilliant? I know, I have gone on and on about it so I will stop right now and move on to the slightly broader subject of geography and provinces. Today: Svealand – the middle part of our lovely country.

  Svealand consists of the six provinces Dalarna, Närke, Södermanland, Uppland, Värmland and Västmanland, covers an area of 90 000 square kilometres and habits 3, 5 million Swedes.

9. Dalarna means “the valleys” and if you ever come across a picture perfect photo of Swedish summer, there is a strong possibility it is taken in Dalarna. The province attracts loads of tourists – both Swedish and foreign and is famous for its amazing scenery – mostly around the big lake Siljan – its delicacy falukorv from the city of Falun and of course, the ultra Swedish symbol the Dala horse!
Province animal: Berguv (Eurasian eagle owl)
Province flower: Blåklocka (bluebell)

10. Värmland is a province with endless forests, the beautiful river Klarälven and the proud birthplace of world famous fotball coach Sven-Göran Ericsson. The biggest city is Karlstad, located by Swedens biggest lake, Vänern.
Province animal: Varg (wolf)
Province flower: Skogsstjärna ( chickweed wintergreen) 

12. Uppland is also a placed packed with history and ancient monuments, around 150 000 to be a bit more exact. It is also packed with people, since this is where Sweden’s capital Stockholm is located – partly.  Other famous cities in Uppland are the univeristy town of Uppsala.
Province animal: Havsörn (eagle) Province flower: Kungsängslilja (fritillary)

13. Västmanland is a province nicely tucked in between where north meets south and gives it an interesting mix of scenery, flora, fauna and cultural life. The biggest city in Västmanland is Västerås and the biggest celebrities are the famous rockband the Hives.
Province animal: Rådjur (roe deer)
Province flower: Mistel (mistletoe)

14. Närke’s history dates back to the late days of the ice age, signs show that people lived in the already then. The province has a rich history and over 5 000 ancient monuments to be proud of.
Province animal: Hasselmus (dormouse)
Province flower: Gullviva

Södermanland is often called “Sörmland” and is a flat province, the highest point is no more than 100 meters above sea level. The southern part of Stockholm “belongs” to Södermanland, making it a very populated province.
Province animal: Fiskgjuse (osprey)
Province flower: Vit näckros (white water lily)

Last but not least, Götland coming up! But before that, it’s the all important Midsummer’s Eve on Friday! Will you celebrate this hugely important day in any special way? If you want to brush up on our Midsummer traditions, make sure to check back on Friday for our Midsummer’s special!

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  1. Olof:

    gullviva = cowslip

  2. jennie:

    Ah, tackar!!