Tag Archives: One Month in Thailand
Best Posts of 2017 Posted by sasha on Dec 13, 2017

Another year has come and gone, as we get ready to say ลาก่อน (laa gòn) to 2017 and สวัสดี (sà wàt dii) to 2018. It’s always nice to reflect on the past year and look forward to the year to come. Here are some of our best posts in 2017. Be sure to leave a comment and let…
One Month in Thailand – The South Posted by sasha on Jun 19, 2017

With one full month in Thailand, you can start out with some adventures in the north, explore the ancient and current capitals, and wind it all down with an island vacation in the south. That’s precisely where we’re headed in the third and final part of our “One Month in Thailand” video series. Part Three…
One Month in Thailand – The North Posted by sasha on May 17, 2017

If you’re given 30 days on arrival in Thailand, why not use them all? After all, there’s lots you can do with one month in Thailand. To kick off the trip, spend 10-12 days exploring the northern part of the country starting in Chiang Mai. Temple hopping, jungle trekking, motorbike adventures, and so much more…
One Month in Thailand Itinerary Posted by sasha on May 9, 2017

For many visitors to Thailand, you’re granted 30 days in the country on arrival. In a country with so much to see and do, it’s easy to fill each and every one of those days. With one month in Thailand, you can have adventures in the north, explore ancient kingdoms, spend a whirlwind couple of…
What Can You Do with One Month in Thailand? Posted by sasha on Mar 30, 2015
To many, one month seems like an incredibly long time to travel in one place. Hell, most people don’t even get a month of holiday time in one calendar year. While the idea of traveling in a foreign country for an entire 30 days may be strange to some, those who choose to do it end…
“One Month in Thailand” Wrap-Up Posted by sasha on Dec 19, 2011
The year 2011 started out with one of the best experiences of my life, as I spent a month traveling through Thailand and into Laos. We set out on our trip seeking a respite from the cold, dry, Beijing winter, with a pleasant beach vacation. What we ended up with was the adventure of a…