Late summer is the perfect time to go berry-picking in Norway. In the grøfter (ditches) along the village roads you’ll see small red markjordbær (wild strawberries), and you don’t have to walk long before you find yourself in a kratt (thicket) full of dark, delicious blåbær (blueberries). In skogen (the forest) there are sweet red bringebær (raspberries) and their black cousin bjørnebær (blackberry, literally ”bear berry”). Further up in the mountain you’ll find bittersweet tyttebær (cowberries), excellent for making syltetøy (jam) for meat dishes (like red grouse). Make sure to bring a bøtte (bucket) and a bærplukker (berry picker, a box with a handle and an entrance with ”teeth” that help you remove the berries from the twigs. It can be found in most larger supermarkets.) If you’re really lucky, you’ll find some of the very rare, bright orange multer (cloudberries), høyt oppe på fjellet (high up the mountain).
Below follows the first verse of a song many Norwegians associate with bærplukking (berry picking), ”Vise for gærne jinter” (Song for crazy girls) by the legendary Alf Prøysen. The song’s in Prøysen’s Eastern Norwegian dialect, so don’t worry if it looks a bit odd!
Oppå lauvåsen veks det jorbær, Up on the leafy ridge there are strawberries growing fine jorbær, raue jordbær. nice strawberries, red strawberries. Hele væla er bære jorbær The whole world is only strawberries finn et strå og træ dom på… find yourself a straw and thread them on… Ett er for gammalt, den ska få stå. One is too old, we’ll let it be. Ett er for grønt, den går vi ifrå. One is too green, we’ll leave it. men æille andre ska vi ta med hematt but all the others we’ll bring home og leve lykkelig med sukker på. and live happily with sugar on.
I was born in Denmark, but spent large parts of my childhood and study years in Norway. I later returned to Denmark, where I finished my MA in Scandinavian Studies. Having relatives in Sweden as well, I feel very Scandinavian! I enjoy reading and travelling, and sharing stories with you! You’re always welcome to share your thoughts with me and the other readers.