Arabic Language Blog

Archive for August, 2012

Abo-Bakr Al-Razi Posted by on Aug 26, 2012

       Google celebrated today the birthday of the greatest physician all over the human history. Abo-Bakr Muhammad bin Yahya bin Zakariyah Al-Razi أبــُــو بــَــكــْــر مــُــحــَــمــَّــد بــِــن يــَــحــيــى بــِــن زكــريــا الــرَّازى is a Muslim Persian physician طــبــيــب , scientist عـَــالــِـم and philosopher فــيــلــســوف . He was the most prominent figure in Islamic Golden Age الــعــَــصــْــر الإســلامــى…

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Persian words in Egyptian Arabic Posted by on Aug 25, 2012

In the previous post, I presented some words that are of Persian or Farsi origin that are currently used in Arabic. These words are treated like any other Arabic word, and most Arabs use them without even realizing that they are not originally Arabic. In this post, I present some more words that are…

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Persian words used in Arabic Posted by on Aug 24, 2012

In the previous post, I wrote that the Arabic language that we use today contains many words that are of foreign origins, especially in spoken dialects.  In this post, I present some words that are of Persian or Farsi origin. بخت (bakht) = luck/fortune بيجامة (Bijama) = Pyjamas تنورة (tannoura) = skirt باذنجان (bathinjan) =…

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Ancient Egyptian words used today Posted by on Aug 23, 2012

Do you know that all speakers of Arabic use colloquial dialects which have Arabic as the main source, but many other sources exist that are derived from other languages? For example, in colloquial Arabic dialects nowadays, many people use English words like ‘hi’, ‘OK’ and ‘thank you’! Egyptian colloquial Arabic has many sources in addition…

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Lutfiyah Al-Nadi; (1906 – 2002) Posted by on Aug 22, 2012

Lutfiyah Al-Nadi; (1906 – 2002)       Lutfiyah Al-Nadi لــُــطــفــيــة الــنــادى was the first Egyptian and African female pilot كابتن طيار . At the age of  26, she became the first Egyptian woman to fly her plane from Cairo to Alexandria.      Lutfiyah was born in 1906. When she finished her school, she decided to join…

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Eid Al-Fitr Reading Comprehension Quiz Answers Posted by on Aug 21, 2012

     Here are the answers to the Reading Comprehension Quiz about Eid Al-Fitr. To view the passage and questions again, please click the following link:  بدأ عيد الفطر يوم الأحد الماضى 1) Eid Al-Fitr began last Monday.   ذهب الكاتبُ إلى المسجد مع أصدقاءه   2) The writer went to the mosque with his…

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Eid Al-Fitr Reading Comprehension Quiz Posted by on Aug 21, 2012

اقـــرأ الــقــطـــعــــة الــتـــالــيـــة ثــم أجــــب عــن الأســئـــلــة Read the following passage, then answer the questions: بـَــدأ عـــيــدُ الـفــِــطـــر يــَــوم الأحــَـــدِ الــمـَـــاضـِــى . اِســتــيــقــظـــتُ فـِــى الــســَّـــاعــَـــة الــثـــالــِــثـــة صــَــبــَــاحــَـــاً ثــُـــمَّ ذهــَــبــْـــتُ مـَــعَ أصــْــدِقـــَـــائــِــى إلـى الــمــَـــســْـــجــِـــد . أدَّيـــْـــنــَـــا صــَــلاة الــفــَــجــْــــرِ فــى جــَــمــَـــاعــَـــــةٍ , ثـــُــمَّ جــَــلــَــســـْـــنـــَــــا نـــُـــكــَـــبـــِّـــرُ و نــُــهــَــلــِّــلُ حـَــتــَّــى مــَــوعــِــد صــَــلاةِ الــعــِــيــدِ . صــَـــلـــَّـــيــْــنـــَـــا صــَـــلاةَ الــعــِـــيـــد , و…

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