ظرف المكان is a special category of nouns in Arabic used in a sentence to denote place. It is a special type of noun in Arabic, but it can be understood as an adverbial of place, as it gives the place in which a certain action takes place. It is the word that answers the question: “where did the action take place”? Consider the following examples:
جلست تحت الشجرة.
I sat under the tree.
أنام فوق الفراش.
I sleep on the bed.
أسير ناحية الجامعة.
I walk towards the university.
ظرف المكان is usually accusative (منصوب).
Some examples of ظرف المكان are as follows:
تجاهَ = towards
أمامَ = in front of
خلفَ = behind
قربَ = near
حولَ = around
شرقَ = east
غربَ = west
جنوبَ = south
شمالَ = north
فوقَ = above
تحتَ = under
يمينَ = right
يسارَ = left
جانبَ = beside
بينَ = between
ناحيةَ = towards
وسطَ = in the middle of
خلالَ = through