Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Meet An Emirati Sports Champion (2) Posted by on Jul 25, 2017

Marhaba! Listening to Maha talk about her passion for her sports has enticed me to go ahead and exercise myself! I hope you enjoyed Maha’s story as well. As more and more female athletes break barriers in the Arab world and around the world, champions like Maha are indeed an inspiration. I have provided you…

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Meet an Emirati Sports Champion! (1) Posted by on Jul 22, 2017

Marhaba! Have you ever been interested in water sports, or tried any nautical exercises? The Emirati, Maha al-Blushi, has excelled in the sports of rowing (التجديف). She has crossed various barriers, social and physical, to become one of the prominent champions of rowing in the United Arab Emirates. Today, I am sharing with you a…

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Yemen: Customs, Traditions, and More Posted by on Jul 20, 2017

Compared to other Arab countries, Yemen is the least affected by globalization. If one seeks to experience genuine Arabic culture, Yemen can’t be beat linguistically, culturally, and religiously. Following is some essential information about Yemen. Facts and Figures: Located in the south west of the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen has a population of over 28 million…

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The main meals of the day and some related vocabulary Posted by on Jul 19, 2017

In today’s post, we’re going to learn the different names of the main meals of the day and the parts of the day (morning, afternoon, etc.) associated with each meal. You probably know that these names will be named differently in different parts of the Arab world given how diverse Arabic dialects are.   The…

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Do You Know What Kashta Is? Posted by on Jul 18, 2017

Marhaba! If you have ever tasted a range of Arabic sweets and come across a creamy white ingredient that you thought tasted like heaven, then you have encountered Kashta (or Ashta as pronounced in some dialects, قشطة )! Found in most sweets such as Knefe (كنافة), Katayif (قطايف), and Znood el-Sir (زنود الست), Kashta is…

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10 Common Levantine Proverbs Posted by on Jul 15, 2017

Marhaba! As you know, every language and culture has different ways of saying things. Most cultures have accumulated across the years a number of proverbs and sayings to express certain ideas or describe a given situation. The Arabic language has of course a huge collection of proverbs. Today I am going to share with you…

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15 Love phrases in different Arabic dialects Posted by on Jul 12, 2017

As always, diversity is a hot topic when it comes to the Arabic language. On that note, our topic today is going to be about the different love expressions used in different Arabic dialects. To do that, we’re using an interesting song (check video below), by the by the Lebanese singer –  Sandra –…

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