Marhaba! I am confident you enjoyed learning more about the ongoing elections in India and the one of the many amazing aspects of democratic elections from the previous post. There are 814 million eligible voters!! According to several accounts, including CNN and BBC, the number of eligible voters is greater than the entire population of Europe. Pause for a moment and think about this figure again!
The right to vote is certainly a human and political right that many individuals are still denied in different places of the world. I hope you found the text to be easy to comprehend and that you were able to answer all the questions. Also, I hope you all translated the sentence from Arabic to English. What is really important about newspaper articles, similar to the one in the previous post, is that they expose you to one of the most familiar and common types of written Arabic. In this post I provide you with the answers to the questions and the translation of the key sentence.
- حزب المؤتمر الحاكم والقوميون الهندوس المعارض.
1. The ruling Congress Party and the opposing Hindu Nationalists.
2. تقسّم مراحل التصويت الى تسع مراحل.
2. The voting process is divided into nine stages.
3. شهد عدد الناخبين ارتفاعاً ملحوظاً، إذ كان يقدر بحوالي 173 مليون ناخب بانتخابات العام 1951 ـ 1952، ليبلغ الآن 814 مليوناً تقريباً.
3. The number of voters has witnessed a staggering increase, it was estimated to be around 173 million voters in the 1951-1952 elections, and now has reached 814 million approximately.
4. استطلاعات الرأي ترجح كفة القوميين الهندوس.
4. Opinion polls predict the victory of the Hindu nationalists.
5. وتشير استطلاعات الرأي إلى أن ناخبي الهند البالغ عددهم 815 مليون شخص سيلحقون هزيمة مدوية بحزب المؤتمر الحاكم الذي تقوده أسرتا نهرو وغاندي.
5. Opinion polls indicate that the 815 million voters in India will cause a resounding defeat to the ruling Party of Congress led by the Nehru and Gandhi families.
Stay tuned for upcoming posts.
Have a nice day!
نهاركم سعيد