Arabic Language Blog

The New “Penguin” Dance in Arab Weddings! (2) Posted by on Jan 13, 2014

Marhaba! I hope you enjoyed reading the fun article from the previous post as much as I did. More importantly, I hope the text was easy to comprehend and that you were able to answer all the questions as well as translate the phrase in Arabic to English. In this post, I present you with…

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The New “Penguin” Dance in Arab Weddings! Posted by on Jan 12, 2014

Marhaba! Today, I am sharing a very interesting news article published by BBC Arabic about a famous new dance move in Arab weddings! Similar to the content and purpose of previous listening comprehension exercises, this is a reading comprehension exercise. After presenting an excerpt from the article, I have some questions for you to answer…

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Types of predicates Posted by on Jan 1, 2014

The nominal sentence (الجملة   الإسمية) in Arabic begins with a noun or a pronoun. The nominal sentence has two components the subject (المبتدأ) and the predicate (الخبر). The subject can be a noun (اسم), pronoun (ضمير) or demonstrative (اسم اشارة). محمد ممتاز. هو طالب. هذا محمد. The predicate (الخبر) can include different constructions. In this…

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Let’s Say Goodbye to 2013 and Welcome 2014! Posted by on Dec 31, 2013

Marhaba! It’s that time of the year again! We say goodbye to one year, with all its ups and downs, and look forward to a new and refreshing one. We say goodbye (نودِّع عام 2013) to 2013 and welcome نستقبل عام 2014) 2014! As human beings we are unable to predict the future and all…

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Word search game – celebrations, answers Posted by on Dec 30, 2013

In this post, I present the answer of the word search game presented in my previous post. Have you managed to find the 10 words? احتفال حفلة مرح هدايا ضيوف حلويات مشروبات شجرة زينة موسيقى The words are highlighted in the grid below: Please find the translation of the words below: 1. Celebration 2. Party…

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Word search game – celebrations Posted by on Dec 29, 2013

Happy New Year! In this post, I have prepared an Arabic word search game for you. Can you find the 10 words below in the table? If you are not sure about the meaning of any word, look at the bottom of the page for the translation. All the words are related to celebrations and…

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A Traditional Middle Eastern Christmas Dish: Roasted Chicken Stuffed with Rice Posted by on Dec 21, 2013

Marhaba! As you can realize from my previous posts, I am really excited about Christmas and I do consider it as one of my favorite holidays of the year! Back home in Lebanon, different religious groups would also partake in Christmas celebrations, and Christians and Muslims alike enjoy everything that has to do with this…

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