Arabic Language Blog

Yalla! Let’s Boost Arabic e-Content! Posted by on May 14, 2012

It was about time that some of us, Arabic speakers, took an initiative to boost online Arabic content! After the recent decision of launching a “Center of Excellence for Arabic Language” in the UAE, around 400 Emirati volunteers announced that they will take part in editing a new global glossary that aims to standardize…

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Expatriation and Nostalgia Posted by on May 13, 2012

       Yes, our blog today is about these sad feelings; expatrriation and nostalgia, experienced by the great and famous Prince of Poets أمــيـــرُ الــشــُــعــــراء in the Modern Arabic Literature. Ahmad Shawqi أحــمـــد شـــوقــــي wrote this patriotic poem قــصــيــدة وطــنــيـــة  in his exile الــمــنــفــى in Andalusia الأنــدلــُــس ; (now Southern Spain) during the First World War. In exile, Shawqi…

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Mahmoud Mukhtar (1891 – 1934) Posted by on May 12, 2012

     Google celebrated the 121st birthday of Mamoud Mukhtar مـحـــمـــــود مــخــتــــــار last Thursday.  Mukhtar was one of the few leading Egyptian sculptors نــَــحــَّــاتــيـــن . He is the maker of the famous Nahdit Misr Statue تــِــمــثــــال نــهــضــــة مِـصـــر (Egypt’s Renaissance Sculpture) and has a museum named after him in Cairo that exhibits his numerous works. His museum…

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Why Death is *NOT* Considered Taboo in Arabic Culture Posted by on May 11, 2012

Regardless of their various walks of life, Arab people enjoy very much living life, and as a rule of thumb embrace it to the fullest. Do you perhaps know an Arab person from your own entourage? Chances are, he or she is a bon vivant(e), as the French put it. If not, then you can…

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Molukhia Posted by on May 7, 2012

Jews mallow (ملوخية) is a traditional Egyptian dish that is very healthy and delicious. This is a leafy green plant with small yellow flowers that is used to prepare a very famous Egyptian dish.   We only need the leaves for the dish and they have to be chopped very finely. You can find it…

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Labor Day Quiz Answers Posted by on May 5, 2012

   We have already read about Labor Day عيد العمال  but how did you do on its quiz ? Did you answer all the questions correctly ? Ok, today, I will present the answers to the Labor Day Quiz for you all to check your answers. To view the questions, go back to the quiz. 1) The…

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New Global “Center of Excellence” for Arabic Language Posted by on May 2, 2012

A new Arabic Language charter was announced only a week ago to establish the UAE as a global “center of excellence” for the Arabic language, news outlets such as The National and GulfNews reported. The language center will be based at Zayed University, to “revive Arabic as لغة العلـــــــوم والتكنولوجيــــــــــا (the language of sciences and technology)”. The announcement was made at the opening session of the…

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