Arabic Language Blog

Non verbal communication – greetings Posted by on May 15, 2011

Non verbal communication is a very important aspect of communication. We can send myriad messages without saying a word, through a gesture, a posture, a look, an impression or even through doing nothing at all. Like verbal communication, it evolvesو changes and gains new ways of expression, also it differs from place to place and…

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Fisal’s Dictionary : جمع Posted by on May 13, 2011

        Today, we are going to go on a journey to the depths of the Arabic Dictionary to discover some of its secrets. We will look up the root verb جمع and explore some of its derivatives. * جَمَعَ    [V. T.] = to collect / to unite / to pile up / to add;                    e.g…

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Healthy Verbs: The Doubled Verb الفعل المضعّـف Posted by on May 9, 2011

Today, we will look at the third and last type of Healthy (Sound) Verbs; The Doubled Verb الفعل المضعّـف . Now what is meant by that name? Definition:             A Doubled Verb is that which has a two repeated or doubled letters in its root (base). * This type of verb can be divided into two…

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Mostafa Mahmoud’s “Tree” Posted by on May 8, 2011

We talked before about the famous Egyptian scientist and writer Mostafa Mahmoud. Today we are going to explore one of his articles about woman. The article is taken from his mystic book “Anthems of Sin and Innocence أناشيد الإثم و البراءة “ pages 73 – 75 . In the article, Mahmoud takes us smoothly from…

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Healthy Verbs: The Mahmouz Verb الفعل المهموز Posted by on May 7, 2011

We have said before that there are healthy and unhealthy verbs. A Healthy Verb is that verb that doesn’t have any sick letters in its root (base). The sick letters that make the verb sick are و , ا , ى . We talked before about the first type of healthy verbs; the Salim verb…

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Dr. Mostafa Mahmoud (1921-2009) Posted by on May 6, 2011

Like a tree with its firm roots جذور deep in the ground and its sweet fruits and leaves high in   the sky, Mostafa Mahmoud had firm roots and his works are like fruits for all people. Mostafa Mahmoud was and Egyptian doctor طبيب , scientist عالم , psychologist عالم نفس, philosopher فيلسوف , thinker مفكر…

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Verb Health:The Sound (Salim) Verb الفعل السالم Posted by on May 2, 2011

In previous posts, we have discussed that there healthy and unhealthy verbs. A Healthy Verb is that verb that doesn’t have any sick letters in its root (base). The sick letters that make the verb sick are و , ا , ى . Healthy Verbs have three types: (Salim / Mahmouz / Doubled). Today, we…

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