Arabic Language Blog

Almanqoos Posted by on Aug 6, 2010

(الاسم المنقوص) is a noun that ends in a long i: (ي) with a kasra (ـِ) on the letter before last, e.g. (النادي) “club”, (القاضي) “judge”, etc. These nouns are very tricky to master in Arabic because they are often confused with other nouns and adjectives that end in (ي), e.g. nisba adjectives for nationalities…

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How to negate nominal sentences in Arabic Posted by on Aug 3, 2010

Nominal sentences in Arabic are negated using (ليس). It should be noted that (ليس) should be conjugated according to the subject of the sentence. The following table shows the conjugation of (ليس) with different pronouns. لستُ أنا لستَ أنتَ لستِ أنتِ ليس هو ليست هي لسنا نحن لستما أنتما ليسا هما m ليستا هما f…

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Word search Answers and examples Posted by on Jul 30, 2010

In this post, I present the answer of the word search puzzle presented before and some examples of the use of words presented in it. هذا الرجل يعمل في بيع الذهب. “This man works in selling gold.” أريد الذهاب إلى البنك لسحب بعض النقود. “I want to go to the bank to withdraw some money.”…

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Word search Posted by on Jul 29, 2010

In this post, I present a word search game that deals with money (نقود) [formal use] / (فلوس) [informal use]. Please try to find the following words in the grid. بيع = selling بنك = bank جنيه = pound دينار = Dinar ريال = Ryal ليرة = Lyra حساب = accoumt توفير = saving بورصة…

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Direct and Indirect Objects in Arabic Posted by on Jul 27, 2010

In Arabic, just like English some verbs take two objects; in English they are called direct and indirect objects, while in Arabic they are called first and second objects (مفعول به أول) and (مفعول به ثانٍ). Some of the verbs that take two objects are: (أعطى) ‘to give”, (أهدى) ‘to present’, (ظن) ‘to think’, etc…

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Arabic Dialogue: At the Shoe Shop Posted by on Jul 23, 2010

In this post, I present a short dialogue of a situation at the shop, buying shoes (حذاء). It should be noted that the word shoes in English is plural, while the Arabic word (حذاء) is singular. سلمى: مساء الخير. البائع: مساء النور. سلمى: من فضلك، أريد قياس الحذاء البني والمقاس هو 38. البائع: لحظة واحدة…

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Nizar Qabbani’s Poem “Words” Posted by on Jul 13, 2010

In this post, I present one of the most beautiful poems of Nizar Qabbani that became a song by Majda Al-Roumy. It is called (كـــلمات) ‘words’. The poem, its translation and the video are given below. Enjoy! He tells me, when he dances with me,Words are not like other words He takes me, from under…

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