Arabic Language Blog

Passive in Arabic – part 2 Posted by on Apr 25, 2010

In English, it is not uncommon to express the agent of the passivized action using a by-phrase, e.g. “this book was written by a famous author”. In Arabic, the passive construction is used mostly without the by-phrase and the agent remains unknown. When we need to use the by-phrase in Arabic, we use the expression…

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Passive in Arabic – part 1 Posted by on Apr 20, 2010

The passive (المبني للمجهول) form is very important and interesting. It involves changing the form and the meaning of sentences to a certain extent. In passive constructions, the object of the active sentence becomes a grammatical subject, e.g. ‘my friend wrote the book’ is an active sentence that begins with the subject. Its passive counterpart…

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European Country names in Arabic Posted by on Apr 18, 2010

The names of European countries in Arabic.

Cairo initiative to repatriate stolen artifacts Posted by on Apr 17, 2010

Egyptian lead initiative to repatriate stolen archeological artifacts.

Arabic Prepositions: to and on/about Posted by on Apr 15, 2010

In this post, I give some notes about the form and the use of two prepositions (إلى) and (على). The literal meaning of (إلى) is ‘to’, and it is used in expressions like (أذهب إلى عملي) ‘I go to my work’ and (إلى من يهمه الأمر) ‘to whom it may concern’, etc. It should be…

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Abdel Halim Hafez Posted by on Apr 10, 2010

Abdel Halim Hafez (عبد الحليم حافظ‎) is one of the most famous and popular Arab singers. He was born on the 21st of June 1929 to a simple family in a small town called Halawat in the countryside. His real name is Abdel Halim Ismail Shabana (عبدالحليم إسماعيل شبانة). He lost both his parents and…

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Using Arabic Prepositions with Question words Posted by on Apr 7, 2010

Prepositions can be used with question words in Arabic  just like English to make questions like from where? or where to? Examples of these questions can be found below: من أين أنت؟ “Where are you from?” إلى أين نذهب؟ “Where do we go?” إلى متى الانتظار؟ “Until when do you wait?” Certain prepositions like (من)…

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