Adverbs of space (2) ظرف المكان Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Jan 11, 2021 in Grammar
Welcome to the second part of this blog post. We’re still focusing on spatial adverbs. You can catch up and read the previous post (part one) that I published before the new year, by clicking here.
So, in the last post, we learnt that a spatial adverb is a word that refers to the place where the action occurs.
- Some of the common adverbs are:
Above/ up/ on فوق
Under/ down تحت
Behind خلف
In في
Between بين
- Similar to temporal adverbs, spatial adverbs are also often accusative منصوبة – as in the examples above:
لم نجد شيئًا خلفَ السيارتين
We didn’t find anything behind the two cars
but most of spatial adverbs can also be genitive مجرورة* if preceded by a preposition من min (in this case), as in the example below:
ذهبت فاطمة من خلفِ المنزل
Fatima passed from behind the house
*Gentitive: is a noun that is marked by kasrah كسرة ِ on its last letter.
2. When accusative, a spatial adverb, together with the noun that comes after it, forms a grammatical construction called:
Idhafa construction صيغة الإضافة which is made up of a preposition or an adverb1A large number of adverbs are also grammatically considered prepositions. and the noun after it.
The first part of the construction is called mudhaaf: (the thing annexed) مضاف and the second if mudhaaf ilayhi: (the thing added to it) مضاف إليه. While mudhaaf can have different cases – based on its role in the sentence – a mudhaaf ilayhi is always genitive.
In the example above, the adverb خلفَ is the mudhaf (accusative here) and the noun (the two cars السيارتين) in the dual form is the mudhaaf ilayhi (gentitive).
لم نجد شيئًا خلفَ السيارتين
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Spatial or Temporal adverb??
Now that we’ve covered both types of adverbs: temporal and spatial, I would like to point out to you that there is a number of adverbs that can be of either type, and some of these are:
Before قبل
After بعد
At عند
Between بين
Some examples:
انتظرني بعد نهاية الشارع المقابل
Wait for me after the end of the opposite street
*ظرف مكان*
انتظرني بعد غروب الشمس
Wait for me after the sunset
*ظرف زمان*
سيكون لقاؤنا بين هذا المبنى وذاك
Our meeting will be between this building and that
*ظرف مكان*
سنلتقي بين الصباح والظهيرة
We will meet between the morning and afternoon
*ظرف زمان*
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Fill in the gaps in the Arabic sentences below and specifically focus on putting the correct adverb (based on the English translation of the sentence):
………. …………. يقف المتهم
The defendant is standing in front of the judge
يطوف الحجاج …… الكعبة
The pilgrims roam around the Kaaba
زينب ……. العشب ………
Zainab is sitting on the grass
الأسد موجود ……. القفص
The lion is inside the cage
المصلُّون …….. الإمام ……..
The prayers are standing behind the Imam
……. الذهاب ……..
We decided to go North
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Correct Answers
الإجابات الصحيحة
يقف المتهم أمام القاضي
يطوف الحجاج حول الكعبة
تجلس زينب على* العشب
*You can use فوق but it’s not common and على is the common adverb used in this context.
الأسد موجود داخل القفص
يقف المصلّون وراء الإمام
قرّرنا الذهاب شمالًا
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I hope you found these posts about adverbs useful ?
- 1A large number of adverbs are also grammatically considered prepositions.

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