Tag Archives: Arabic Language
Why Are You Learning Arabic? لماذا تتعلم اللغة العربية؟ Posted by yasmine on Jul 26, 2022

لماذا تتعلم اللغة العربية؟ Why are you learning Arabic? In this last Arabic blog post, we’ll say مع السلامة goodbye and send you all some happy wishes regarding your Arabic learning. We’ll also look at the goals أهداف or reasons أسباب many Arabic learners have for learning this unique language, such as work, travel, religion…
أيهما تفضل؟ Which Do You Prefer? Posted by yasmine on Jun 14, 2022

In this post, we’ll practice how to use “to prefer” يُفَضِّل in Arabic by answering some fun questions.
Before we begin, if someone asks you أيهما تفضل؟ Which/what do you prefer? You can answer by beginning your sentence with …أُفَضِّل I prefer… For example, أيهما تفضل؟ مشاهدة فيلم في البيت مع عائلتك، أو في السينما…
Wadi Rum وادي رم Posted by yasmine on Mar 16, 2022

هل سمعت بوادي رم؟ Have you heard of Wadi Rum وادي رم? It’s definitely one of those places you should add to your list especially if you’re visiting Jordan. In this post, we’ll learn about وادي رم and watch a clip about a Bedouin whose family has lived there for hundreds of years. We’ll then…
Desserts With No Sugar حلويات بدون سكر Posted by yasmine on Dec 15, 2021

In last week’s post, we talked about قطع السكر cutting sugar and its health benefits. In this post, we have a dessert recipe بدون سكر. I found it on the Al-Jazeera website موقع الجزيرة by a Lebanese nutritionist اختصاصية تغذية and mother أم named علا أبو شقرا Ola Abu Shakra. كيك الموز ودبس التفاح?? I…
قطع السكر Cutting Sugar Part Two Posted by yasmine on Dec 8, 2021

Welcome to part two of this post where we’ve been talking about “sugar” السُّكَر, types of sugar أنواع السكر and why we’ve been told it is healthy to quit “added sugar” السكر المضاف. As I mentioned, I personally have been trying to cut sugar قطع السكر and it has been tough. Do you recall what…
قطع السكر Cutting Sugar Part One Posted by yasmine on Dec 1, 2021

In this post, I thought we’d talk about “sugar” السُّكَر, types of sugar أنواع السكر, and why we’ve been told it is healthy to quit “added sugar” السكر المضاف. I personally have been trying to cut sugar قطع السكر for the past few months. I was sugar free for a month, but then I visited…
Saving the Dead Sea Part Two إنقاذ البحر الميت Posted by yasmine on Nov 24, 2021

In last week’s post, we talked about the Dead Sea البحر الميت and began a clip that explains the reasons why البحر الميت is sadly receding تنحسر. In this second part of the clip, we learn about The Bahrain Canal project مشروع قناة البحرين to link البحر الميت to البحر الأحمر as a way to…