Tag Archives: Arabic song
The Last Dance Posted by aziza on Jun 5, 2017

This is one of my favourite songs! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Mostafa Amin (مصطفى أمين) is a young Egyptian singer whom I think is very talented. This is one of his most recent songs released in 2016. The lyrics are below, and video has the English translation. مزيكتنا…
Beautiful Arabic Song: « آمنـتٌ بِاللَّــــــــــہ » («I Believe in God») Posted by Hichem on Jun 1, 2012
Properly speaking, what you are about to hear is not a “song.” It is called in Arabic أُنشُــــــــودة (or نشيـــــــــد, when a bit longer) and can be translated as “hymn” or “religious song” This post’s unshuda is quite beautifully sung. It can be appreciated by Muslims and non-Muslims alike; native Arabic speakers, new Arabic learners, and…
What does the word homeland mean? Posted by aziza on Aug 17, 2010
What does the word homeland mean? is the title of a beautiful song by Mohammed Fouad (محمد فؤاد), a very famous singer in Egypt. The song is originally taken from a film. It is a very emotional song about what homeland may mean to some. Surely, a homeland means something different for each and every…