Tag Archives: Arabic
The Ancient City of Fes فاس Posted by yasmine on May 17, 2022
In this post, we’ll learn about the ancient city of Fes in Morocco مدينة فاس القديمة في المغرب. It’s history تاريخها dates back over a thousand years ألف سنة. Fes فاس is filled with souks أسواق, cafes مقاهي, Islamic architecture العمارة الإسلامية, and mosques المساجد. We’ll begin with watching a clip about what makes مدينة…
الفضاء الخارجي Outer Space in Arabic Posted by yasmine on Apr 19, 2022
Lately my son ابني has been obsessed with the planets الكواكب and anything to do with outer space الفضاء الخارجي. We have been exploring this topic in Arabic as well which gave me the idea to do the same with you in this post.🪐🌟☀️☄️🌌🌠 In this part one post, we’ll first learn the basic vocabulary…
The Royal Opera House in Muscat Posted by yasmine on Apr 5, 2022
In this post, we’ll be learning about The Royal Opera House in Muscat, دار الأوبرا السلطانية في مسقط the capital of the Sultanate of Oman عُمان. It’s truly a magical place. I would love to attend a show عرض there if I ever get a chance to visit عُمان. Below is an excerpt in Arabic…
Juha, His Son and the Donkey جحا وابنه والحمار Posted by yasmine on Feb 23, 2022
In every culture, certain characters شخصيات emerge over time with their own way of teaching us life lessons دروس الحياة. Juha جُحا is one of those characters who’s tales حكايات have been around for centuries قرون beginning from the seventh century. He is what you call a wise old fool عجوز أحمق حكيم. This foolishness…
Backgammon Part Two لعبة الطاولة Posted by yasmine on Jan 26, 2022
ًWelcome back to part two on how to play Backgammon لعبة الطاولة. How common is لعبة الطاولة? Well, I grew up watching my dad and “Jido” جدو (grandpa) playing طاولة while drinking tea in the living room. My aunt عمتي then taught me how to play and I’ve been hooked ever since. هل لعبة الطاولة…
Backgammon Part One لعبة الطاولة Posted by yasmine on Jan 19, 2022
Have you played Backgammon لعبة الطاولة before? If not, in this post, we’ll learn a bit about it’s background history and how to play the game as we pick up some new Arabic vocabulary words. 😉 Backgammon in Arabic is called طاولة meaning “table” or طاولة الزهر since زهر in Arabic means “dice”. ✨Here are…
Test Your Knowledge with Fun Arabic Exercises 2 Posted by yasmine on Dec 29, 2021
Welcome back to this series of posts where we’re doing some fun Arabic language exercises. (Please have with you a ورقة paper and قلم pen/pencil.) In this week’s post, we’ll practice our reading comprehension. We’ll read an email from أميرة to her sister زين and then choose the correct words to complete the sentences below…