Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: Egyptology

The Phenomenon of Abu Simbel Posted by on Nov 10, 2012

        The two temples at Abu Simbel أبو سمبل are among the most magnificent monuments آثار in the world. Their removal and reconstruction was a historic event in itself. When the temples (280 km from Aswan) were threatened by submersion الغمر – الغرق in Lake Nasser, due to the construction of the High Dam السد…

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The Rosetta Stone حجر رشيد Posted by on Jul 20, 2011

       The Rosetta Stone is an ancient Egyptian basalt stele inscribed with a decree فرمان issued in Memphis منف , Egypt in 196 BC on behalf of King Ptolemy V بطليموس الخامس . The decree appears in three scripts: the upper text is ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs اللغة الهيروغليفية . The middle portion is Demotic اللغة…

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