Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: Egypt’s President

Egypt’s Presidential Runoff Elections Posted by on Jun 17, 2012

      A few hours ago, the Egyptians finished voting تــصـــويـــت for the second day to choose a president رئــيــــــس  from two candidates in the first presidential elections انــتــخـــابـــات after the ouster of Mubarak in February 2011. Ahmad Shafiq أحــمــد شــفــيــــق and Mouhammad Morsi مــحــمـــد مــرســـى were the top two candidates in the first run. The…

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Egypt: Voting for a President Posted by on May 24, 2012

       Today the Egyptians continue voting تصويت to choose a president from thirteen candidates in the first free presidential elections after the 25th January 2011 Revolution. The voting process عملية started yesterday and is considered a turning point inEgypt’s modern history. No  one can predict who the winner will be. There are five frontrunners who…

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