Tag Archives: Exercise
Listening Bibliotheca Alexandrina Posted by aziza on Jul 28, 2017

ّThis post presents a listening comprehension exercise on Bibliotheca Alexandrina (مكتبة الاسكندرية). Listen to the report and answer the questions that follow in English: 1- How does the report describe Bibliotheca Alexandrina? 2- What does it present to its users? 3- Who established the old Bibliotheca Alexandrina and when? 4- How many floors does the…
Archaeological Discovery_reading Posted by aziza on Mar 10, 2017

In this post, I present a reading comprehension exercise based on a story adapted from bbcarabic. You can use the vocabulary provided to assist your comprehension. أعلنت وزارة الآثار المصرية اكتشاف تمثالين فرعونيين، أحدهما يرجح أنه للملك رمسيس الثاني، والآخر للملك سيتي الثاني، في منطقة المطرية، شرق القاهرة. ويعود التمثالان لعصر الأسرة التاسعة عشر، وعثر…
Reading, Muslim Emoji, 2 Posted by aziza on Sep 16, 2016
This post presents the answers of the reading comprehension exercise based on a news item from CNN Arabic. Please find the news story, questions and answers below. دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة (CNN) — قريبا، سيضاف إلى قائمة الرموز التعبيرية “الإيموجي” رمزان جديد سيسران كثيرا من مستخدميها في الدول الإسلامية، وهي رمز فتاة ترتدي الحجاب، وشاب…
Reading, Muslim Emoji, 1 Posted by aziza on Sep 16, 2016
This post presents a reading comprehension exercise based on a news item from CNN Arabic. Please answer the questions based on the news story below, and use the vocabulary provided to make comprehension easier. دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة (CNN) — قريبا، سيضاف إلى قائمة الرموز التعبيرية “الإيموجي” رمزان جديد سيسران كثيرا من مستخدميها في الدول…
Listening on Mostaghanemi, answers Posted by aziza on Aug 21, 2016
In this post, I present the answers of the listening comprehension exercise presented earlier on Ahlem Mostaghanemi. English Questions and Answers: How many copies of the novel were sold in Sharjah? More than 5000 copies of the novel were sold in Sharjah. Where did Ahlem Mostaghanemi head after leaving Sharjah? Ahlem Mostaghanemi headed for Beirut after Sharjah…
Listening on Mostaghanemi Posted by aziza on Aug 19, 2016
Listen to the news report and answer the questions that follow. You can use the vocabulary list at the end to facilitate your comprehension. The questions cover the first 90 seconds. Answer the following questions in English: How many copies of the novel were sold in Sharjah? Where did Ahlem Mostaghanmi head after leaving Sharjah?…
Christmas tree, answer Posted by aziza on Dec 28, 2015
In this post, I present the answer of the listening comprehension exercise and the transcription of the report on the most expensive Christmas tree in the world. Transcription: كشف فندق قصر الإمارات في العاصمة أبو ظبي عن أغلى شجرة ميلاد في العالم. الشجرة التي يبلغ ارتفاعها ثلاثة عشر متراً وضعت في بهو الفندق. احتفال بالغ…