Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: Faten Hamama

Faten Hamama: (1931 – 2015) Posted by on Jan 18, 2015

   Ahlan Arabic lovers! Last night on 17 January, 2015, a great and distinguished Egyptian and Arab figure left our world aged 83 years old. She was an actress that was given the nickname of “Lady of the Arabic Screen ســَـــيــدة الــشــاشــة الــعــربــيـــة“. She made her first performance when she was just seven years old…

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The American University of Beirut Honors American scholar Noam Chomsky and Egyptian star Faten Hamama Among Others – Answers Posted by on Jun 18, 2013

Marhaba! I hope you found the excerpt from the article in the previous post interesting. I am confident you have all worked hard to answer the questions. After presenting you with the answers and the translation of some key words, I have added Faten Hamama’s famous movie ‘Oreedo Hallan’ (أريد حلاً), which was mentioned by…

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The American University of Beirut Honors American scholar Noam Chomsky and Egyptian star Faten Hamama Among Others Posted by on Jun 17, 2013

Marhaba! In this post, I am sharing a brief excerpt from an article that discusses why the American University of Beirut in Lebanon awarded honorary doctorates to four outstanding individuals from different fields. This article was published on June 14, 2013 on an online Lebanese news network called Lebanon Files. After presenting the excerpt, I…

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