Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: Grammar

Arabic nouns: Proper nouns vs. Generic nouns Posted by on Jan 6, 2010

There are 2 types of Arabic nouns, with sub-types of each type. The first type is proper nouns (اسم عَلَم) which refer to a particular person, place, etc. Examples of these are (محمد), (يوسُف), (مَكّة), (فلسطين), etc. These nouns are definite because they are names of particular people or places; therefore, they cannot be made…

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Arabic Conditionals: Whenever and Wherever Posted by on Dec 15, 2009

There are some particles which are generally regarded as conditionals, e.g. (لمَّا) and (كلَّما). However, they express a temporal relationship rather than a condition. There are still 2 actions that are related to each other by a temporal relationship, for example: لمَّا سافرَ أخي، سافرتُ معه. “When my brother traveled, I traveled with him.” كلَّماسافرَ…

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