Tag Archives: Listening Comprehension Answers:East and West Together
Listening Comprehension Answers: East and West Together Posted by Fisal on Sep 11, 2014
Ahlan Arabic lovers! Here are the answers to the last listening comprehension exercise about the east and west music giants; Charles Davis and Ziad Al-rahbani, coming together in Lebanon. To view the exercise again, click here. الإجـــَـــــابــــَـــــات Questions اِســْــم عــِــمــْــلاق الــمــُــوســِـــيــقــَــى الــغــَــرْبــِــيّ هــُــوَ تــشــَــارْلــِــز دِيــفــِــيــسْ . 1) The name of the western…