Tag Archives: Listening to Arabic
Listening Comprehension Answers: Boutros Ghali Posted by Fisal on Feb 25, 2016
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Here are the answers to the last listening comprehension exercise about the famous Egyptian diplomat and politician Boutros Ghali who passed away last week. To view the questions or to listen to the news report again, kindly click here. الإجــابــات Answers الـمـُـدة الـتـي قـضـاهـا بـطـرس غـالـي فـي الـعـمـل الـدبـلـومـاسـي هـى سـتــة…
Listening Comprehension Exercise: Boutros Ghali Posted by Fisal on Feb 25, 2016
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Last week and exactly on February, 16th and at the age of 94, a very famous Egyptian character left our world. We are going to listen to a short report about his life journey and try to answer some comprehension questions. اِســتــمــع إلــى الــتــقــريــر ، ثــُــمَّ أجـِــبْ عـَــن الأســئــلــة الــتــَّــالــِــيــَـــة…