Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: verb

Forms of Nominal and Verbal Duals in Arabic Posted by on May 22, 2018

As for number, nouns الأَسْمَاء and verbs الأَفْعَال in Arabic have three forms: singular مُفْرَد, dual مُثَنَّى, and plural جَمْع. The singular refers to a single entity, the dual refers to two entities, and the plural refers to three or more. Forming the dual and plural forms from the singular is usually straightforward. This is…

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Subject-Verb Agreement in Arabic Posted by on Dec 7, 2016

In Arabic, subjects and verbs have to agree with each other. Recently, many of my students have been making agreement errors with conjugation because they do not notice how the position of the verb and subject affect agreement. If the verb comes after the subject, it agrees with it in gender and number. If the…

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Practice agreement Posted by on Apr 19, 2015

In Arabic, subject verb agreement is a very important concept. You need to make sure that subjects and verbs agree with each other in number and in gender for your sentences to be grammatical and meaningful. In this post, I present you with 10 sentences that you need to complete with the verbs provided. You…

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