The other night I was at a conference which had organized a 抽奖 (prize drawing) activity. I bought 9 tickets at the time, trying to improve my chances of winning. Win I did. There were KTV (karaoke) passes and 餐卷 (food coupons), which could be used another night. Given that the tickets were 10USD or 100RMB, I went with the 10USD tickets, saving between 30-40RMB per ticket just by paying in US bills- very 划算 (good deal). The highlight of the night was when I won a 空气净化器 (air purifier) valued at over 1500USD! I ran up to the stage while 狂笑 (laughing crazily) and was very 得意洋洋 (smug) at a 夜总会 (nightclub) following the event. The only drawback is that my 嗓子 (throat) is still rather 哑 (scratchy) from all the yelling.
抽奖 chou4jiang3 – prize drawing
KTV pronunced like “kay-tay-way” by most – Karaoke
餐卷 can1juan3 – food coupon
划算 hua2(4)suan4 – economical, good deal
空气净化器 kong1qi4jing4hua4qi4 – air purifier
狂笑 kuang2xiao4 – laughing crazily
得意洋洋 de2yi4yang2yang2 – self-satisfied
夜总会 ye4zong3hui4 – nightclub
嗓子 sang3zi – throat
哑 ya3 – scratchy
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