Chinese Language Blog

What Do People Eat? Posted by on Mar 15, 2010 in Vocabulary

There are a variety of breakfast choices available on the streets in China.  People up north might enjoy a nice 煎饼 (fried pancake).  People looking for something nourishing if they’re feeling under the weather might 喝粥 (drink porridge).   One favorite (albeit one not high in protein) is to grab a 油条 (dough-stick. lit. oil stick) and some 豆浆 (soy milk) for dipping- something like Dunkin’ Donuts.  Still others might get a cup of 咖啡 (coffee) from 麦当劳 (McDonalds) if they’re pressed for time.   I enjoy eating 包子 (filled buns), as they’re generally healthy and easy to eat if you’re on the go.  Why do people hurry so much with their breakfasts?  The 上班族 (workforce) needs to be in on time to 打卡 (punch in, clock in) as part of their company’s 考勤 (attendance) policy.  On the off chance that you are late, at least have a good breakfast.

煎饼 jian1bing3 – fried pancake
喝粥  he1zhou1 – drink porridge
油条 you2tiao2 – lit. oil stick
豆浆 dou4jiang3 – soy milk
咖啡 ka1fei1 – coffee
麦当劳 mai4dang1lao2 – McDonalds
包子 bao1zi3 – buns
上班族 shang1ban1zu2 – the working people
打卡 da2(3)ka4 – punch in
考勤 kao3qin2 – check attendance

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