Chinese Language Blog

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More Chinglish Fun Posted by on May 14, 2011

After looking over Steve’s recent post about the phenomenon of Chinglish, I decided that it was about time I put together a photo album of my own depicting the hilarious, often times strange world of English with Chinese characteristics. With big cities like Beijing and Shanghai doing their best to rid the streets of Chinglish…

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History of the PRC – Part Eighteen Posted by on May 7, 2011

With Mao Zedong (毛泽东) in control of the Communist Party (中共) and Chiang Kai-shek (蒋介石) leading the Kuomintang (国民党), China was still in the midst of a devastating civil war during World War II. The Second United Front had come to an end, and the separate factions were unable to cooperate with each other in…

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Pingyao Ancient City – Part Two Posted by on May 5, 2011

For our second day in Pingyao, we had a nice balance of learning and fun, thanks to the multitude of museums and temples scattered throughout the city and the various games and shops that surround them. Join me on this video journey to see the City God temple, a Taoist temple the Confucius temple, and…

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Pingyao Ancient City – Part One Posted by on Apr 29, 2011

Located in central Shanxi province, Pingyao is an ancient Chinese city that was once at the forefront of the Chinese economy during both the Ming and Qing dynasties. Thanks to its status as a UNESCO World Heritage site, this ancient city has retained much of its traditional look and feel. Surrounded by the old city…

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China’s Summer of Music Posted by on Apr 27, 2011

As I mentioned in my last post, the music festival season is upon us here in the Middle Kingdom. This weekend, which will be a long one thanks to the May Day holiday, will see not one, not two, but THREE separate music festivals going on in Beijing alone. In addition to the trifecta of…

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Music Festival Season Kicks off in China Posted by on Apr 20, 2011

Ever wondered what it’s like to go to a camping music festival in the grasslands of China? Well, wonder no more! These days, weekend long music festivals are becoming more and more common in China. In Beijing alone, over the May Day (五一) holiday, there are three festivals. Each summer, more and more festivals pop…

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Camping on the Great Wall Posted by on Apr 16, 2011

With the arrival of spring, Beijingers can finally come out of hibernation and enjoy the great outdoors. The long, cold, dry winter is finally gone, and there are just a few short weeks of moderate weather before the intense heat of summer hits. This short window of opportunity between freezing and sweating needs to be…

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