Chinese Language Blog

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Famous Beijing Landmarks Posted by on Oct 8, 2018

Famous Landmarks in Beijing

Beijing has a lot of famous landmarks (北京有很多名的地标 – běi jīng yǒu hěn duō míng de dì biāo). The Chinese capital has a wealth of historical and cultural attractions to visit. If you’re traveling to the city, you should definitely learn the Chinese names for famous Beijing landmarks. Read on to learn 30 Chinese names…

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8 Years of Videos Posted by on Sep 26, 2018

8 Years of Videos

After 8 years of sharing videos on Chinese language and culture, this will be my final video post on the Transparent Chinese channel. As such, I’ve put together a nice recap on 8 years of videos to share with you. It’s been a wild ride that included living in both Beijing and Kunming, working as…

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10 Most Popular Videos on Transparent Chinese Posted by on Sep 11, 2018

Top 10 Most Popular Videos on Transparent Chinese

Way back in 2010, I had just moved back to Beijing after a visit home. A friend contacted me and asked if I would be interested in putting together some videos on Chinese language and culture for the Transparent Chinese YouTube channel. Since my major was Video Production (视频制作 – shì pín zhì zuò), I…

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A Look Inside the Beijing Planning & Exhibition Hall Posted by on Aug 29, 2018

A Look Inside the Beijing Planning & Exhibition Hall

There’s a lot to see along the Central Axis of Beijing – Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Drum & Bell Towers, and so much more. While it can be exhausting traveling that entire route in one day, there’s a much easier way to see the entire city of Beijing. Just head to the Beijing…

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Beijing Central Axis Video Tour Posted by on Aug 20, 2018

Beijing Central Axis Video Tour

A great way to see most of the famous sights in Beijing in one day is by traveling along the city’s Central Axis. Doing so allows you to visit Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Drum & Bell Towers, and much more. Explore the Central Axis of Beijing in just 90 seconds with us in…

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Exploring the Central Axis of Beijing Posted by on Aug 15, 2018

Exploring the Central Axis of Beijing

We all know that Beijing has a long history going back thousands of years, but just how did they design this city? Perhaps the most important element in the layout and design of Beijing is the city’s Central Axis (中轴线 – zhōng zhóu xiàn). Most of the essential buildings in the city were constructed along…

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Dim Sum Posted by on Aug 1, 2018

Cantonese Food

When it comes to must-try culinary experiences in China, dim sum (点心 – diǎn xīn) is very high on the list. The name of this dish can be translated as “touch the heart,” and a good meal of dim sum does just that. Dim sum is perhaps the best creation of Guangdong cuisine (广东菜 – guǎng dōng cài)…

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