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Chinese Restaurant Cheat Sheet Posted by on Nov 27, 2017

Chinese Restaurant Cheat Sheet

One of the most overwhelming experiences for newcomers to China is walking into a local restaurant and seeing a menu full of nothing but Chinese characters. I remember being terrified in my first few weeks in China every time I walked into such a place. How was I going to order? What if I ended…

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Guilin Day Two Video Posted by on Nov 22, 2017

Guilin Day Two Video

With just 72 hours in Guilin, you’ll want to get out of the city after the first day. Just a 2-hour bus ride away is the incredibly scenic town of Yangshuo. After you get checked in to your hostel, grab a bike and head out to explore the beautiful karst mountain scenery, stopping to enjoy…

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72 Hours in Guilin (Part Two) Posted by on Nov 20, 2017

72 Hours in Guilin (Part Two)

There is a saying in Chinese that goes: “Guilin’s scenery is the finest under Heaven” (桂林山水甲天下 – guì lín shān shuǐ jiǎ tiān xià), and for good reason. The beauty of Guilin has been inspiration for artists, poets, and musicians alike for thousands of years. While the city of Guilin is certainly worthy of a…

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Guilin Day One Video Posted by on Nov 16, 2017

Guilin Day One Video

With 72 hours visa-free in Guilin, there’s lots to see and do. On the first day, you can explore the beautiful 7 Star Park, eat the famous rice noodles, see the Sun and Moon Pagodas, and hit a bustling night market. Check it out in part one of our new video series on “72 Hours…

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72 Hours in Guilin (Part One) Posted by on Nov 14, 2017

More and more Chinese cities are welcoming tourists for short visa-free visits. In addition to Beijing, Kunming, and Chengdu, the beautiful city of Guilin (桂林 – guì lín) also allows you to visit for three days without the hassle and expense of getting a visa. Famed for its karst mountain peaks along the Li River…

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A Short Visit to Pingle Ancient Town Posted by on Nov 12, 2017

A Short Visit to Pingle Ancient Town

While there’s enough to see and do in Chengdu to stay there for at least three days, it’s great to escape the big city and get out to explore a small town. Pingle Ancient Town is the perfect place to go. Relax in a teahouse down by the river, hike up a Buddhist mountain, visit…

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Pingle Ancient Town Posted by on Nov 9, 2017

Pingle Ancient Town

After spending a few days in the big city of Chengdu, why not get out and experience a small scenic town? Pingle Ancient Town (平乐古镇 – píng lè gǔ zhèn) is the perfect place to go. Once an important stop on the Tea Horse Road (茶马古道 – chá mǎ gǔ dào), this riverside town is a nice place…

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