Chinese Language Blog

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Directions and Locations in Chinese (Part Three) Posted by on Jul 17, 2017

Taking the Beijing Subway

We’ve already learned so much about directions and locations in Chinese through the first two posts. Go back and read them if you haven’t already, as you’ll need the language learned in those for this final post. Part One gave a list of places and common location words, and Part Two teaches how to ask…

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Directions and Locations in Chinese (Part Two) Posted by on Jul 13, 2017

Directions in Chinese

Getting lost is no fun, especially in a foreign land where you can’t speak the language. In Part One of this series, we learned a bunch of Chinese words for common places and location. Now we’ll get into some more details as we learn about directions in Chinese. Asking for Directions Before you can begin…

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Directions and Location in Chinese (Part One) Posted by on Jul 12, 2017

In our last post, we learned some useful Chinese for travelers. There were a few phrases about directions in there, but there’s lots more you’ll want to learn to be able to ask for and understand directions. We’re here to help you do just that. This first post will be a list of common places…

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Chinese for Travelers Posted by on Jul 10, 2017

Chinese for Travelers

It’s summer, and for a lot of people that means it’s time to travel. With kids out of school for the summer, many families plan their vacations for these warmer months. In China, beachside cities such as Qingdao and Xiamen are packed this time of year, as are scenic towns like Yangshuo or Lijiang. It’s also…

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Kunming Day Three Video Posted by on Jul 6, 2017

Kunming Day Three Video

It’s been an incredible trip in the Spring City of Kunming so far. It’s amazing how much you can do with just 72 hours in the capital of Yunnan province. Are you ready for the last day? For the third and final day in Kunming, take a day trip out to the hills or a…

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72 Hours in Kunming (Part Three) Posted by on Jul 5, 2017

Kunming is one of several cities in China you can now visit visa-free for 72 hours. With three full days, you can get a nice feel for the Spring City. After exploring the Green Lake and Yuantong Temple on day one and walking around Grand View Park plus the Bird and Flower Market the next…

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Kunming Day Two Video Posted by on Jun 28, 2017

Kunming Day Two Video

After a busy first day in Kunming, it’s time to head out of the city a bit to explore some of the natural beauty that surrounds the Spring City. Spend the afternoon wandering around a funky market, hang out near the university for dinner, and sample some of the city’s nightlife to wind it all…

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