Chinese Language Blog

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How to Sing Jingle Bells in Chinese Posted by on Dec 15, 2016

It’s December, and Christmas is in the air – even in China. While a very small percentage of people in China identify as Christians, many celebrate the holiday anyways. They might not celebrate the religious aspect, but they sure go for the commercial one. Shopping malls all over the country are decked out in Christmas…

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A Visit to Nanjing Posted by on Dec 14, 2016

Those interested in diving into the long history and vibrant culture of China should definitely consider visiting all of the Four Great Ancient Capitals (四大古都 – sì dà gǔ dū). We’ve already explored Beijing, Luoyang, and Xi’an, so now we’re headed to the last ancient city on our list – Nanjing (南京 – nán jīng). Background Just…

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Exploring Beijing’s Hutongs Posted by on Dec 12, 2016

Chinese Survival Phrases

Beijing is an ancient city that’s also increasingly modern. Many of the city’s traditional neighborhoods have either been torn down or are on the chopping block. With each passing day, it’s getting harder and harder to find old Beijing (老北京 – lǎo běi jīng). One place to look is in the city’s traditional alleyways, or hutong…

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Better Know a Province – Jiangsu Posted by on Dec 7, 2016

Our long and winding journey around China continues as we explore the coastal province of Jiangsu (江苏 – jiāng sū). Read on to learn about the province’s fascinating history, its famed cuisine, and some of its most famous places. History What is now Jiangsu was once part of the ancient state of Wu (吳). In…

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A Chinese December Posted by on Dec 1, 2016

Can you believe it’s December already? Before you know it, we’ll be in the year 2017. The last month is a great time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the next. I’m sure that studying more Chinese is a New Year’s resolution for all of our readers. There’s no time like…

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Jobs and Workplaces in Chinese Posted by on Nov 29, 2016

My Day in Chinese

Love it or hate it, work (工作 – gōng zuò) is an important part of life. Most people have to go to a job, whether you’re a part-time employee or the CEO. Since it’s such a time-consuming and important aspect of our lives, work is a topic that often comes up in conversation. This post will…

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Day Three in Beijing (Video) Posted by on Nov 28, 2016

It’s been an action-packed couple of days in Beijing, from exploring Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City to hiking on the Great Wall and strolling through a quirky night market. Hopefully you got some decent sleep, because there’s one more big day left in the Chinese capital! On the third and final day in Beijing…

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